Planet Sanitize Branding & Web Design

Planet Sanitize Branding & Web Design

Planet Sanitize had a unique product: a safe and effective disinfectant for both home and commercial use. The timing was perfect: the COVID pandemic in 2020. But how to get their message out to the right audience? Working closely with the business owners, we created a compelling message through effective copywriting. We modified their existing logo to make it work well across a variety of platforms. Then we transformed their existing Shopify storefront into a clean yet inviting place for customers.

The website rebuild required taking cell phone images of their product and transforming them into professional product “hero shots” in Photoshop. Actual and stock images were gathered and modified to present a clear and convincing message to website visitors. A new brand image and color palette was developed and carried into marketing campaigns across social media platforms.

Client name

Planet Sanitize


Market Research, Copywriting, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Web Development: Shopify Platform




Planet Sanitize